Hardeman-Fayette Utility District has not authorized DOXO or any other entity to collect online payments through any other 3rd-party website.
ATTENTION: 3rd party payments made through DOXO.com does NOT go directly to Hardeman-Fayette Utility District. Please make sure that you are paying your gas utility bill online from https://www.hfutilitydistrict.com to ensure that your bill gets paid correctly, securely and in a timely manner.
When paying a bill online, please use https://hfutilitydistrict.com/pay-bill/. The use of a non-affiliated company acting as if they are associated with Hardeman-Fayette Utility District on such as DOXO.com could result in a disconnection. Paying your bill with a 3rd party service such as DOXO is not going to get your account status instantly updated for our records.